Monday, September 15, 2008

Kid McCloud is into Clouds but not the weather kind!

"I'm calling him, Kid McCloud! "

Cloud Computing: Boring may just be another word for Mainstream.

Ten Aspects of Web 2.0 Strategy That Every CTO and CIO Should Know.

Hubspot with Seth Godin: Short of magical.
8 Startup Insights.

Intellectual Property and Open Source: A Book Review

Best Practices in Social Media: Generosity.

Web Tools

Yammer. TC50 Winner! Cries of Foul? Other POV.

Dwigger & WebSourceIt.

How to make delicious more yummier.

Now for the rest that did not get the plum but got the nod.
TC50 and Demo Top Ten.

May not be winners but missed so much.
Apps we wish hadn't disappeared.