If the current financial crunch is to be factored in the tech world, then we can reasonably expect that there will be a dearth of start ups wanting to take a risk and challenge the prevailing gloom. NO more social networks, no more superficial apps and no more fun.
But is there really such a thing is timing for something that is supposed to have some promise? On the contrary, a lot of compelling stories are set amidst a backdrop of not so ideal circumstances where triumph is made more significant by adversity.
Which brings us to probably the newest (and only) kid on the block called TwitWall.
On their own words:
When its too long to tweet, but too short to blog, just TwitWall it! TwitWall is the easy-to-use, quick-to-blast-out blog companion for Twitter. With TwitWall, you can embed your favorite videos and widgets, upload your photos, mp3 music or podcasts, - you name it. Just the kind of stuff to keep your followers following (fans cheering, or clients calling). All that, while still enjoying the many social-goodness and customization features you enjoy on Twitter.
Mine: Amazing! It brings together disparate Twitter apps such as links to photos, videos and most that are beyond what 140 characters can accommodate. Some might say it is just a repetition of existing apps that are working quite perfectly but what's different about TwitWall is that it still has a big opportunity for expansion to include all 'best of breeds'. Besides, I miss the Twitter archive (maybe I just haven't figured out where to look now) and this provides a temp cure.
Go check it out - and better if you're already a Twitter fan cause in this case and at this times, better not ignore the writings on the TwitWall. For the good thing is, that this downturn too shall paas, err I mean pass.
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