Thursday, November 27, 2008

Portent of SaaS: Web Collab Tools A Plenty

Try to sweeten the deal with SaaS

Still not SaaS-tisfied? No worry and just test these web based collab tools.

Hitch with co-creators and get to the 1% through these tools.
Issuu + EtherPad + DoingText + TextFlow = More collaborative webwork-style doc tools, great for users. Don't forget there's helpMe too!

So does MSFT's Office. Coming to a Mac near you!

SaaS might be victim of credit crunch, too.

Chris Anderson on reappraisal of the Long Tail.

But can you predict online popularity? Maybe HP can help...

On cloud computing service, IBM will help... certify
Posted on by friarminor | 1 comment


friarminor said...

Welcome, Yen Yen!

Thankfully, I was just thinking of re-visiting the iPhone apps for an update so I got my wish when I visited your site!

