Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Better Understanding of Creativity

Jonathan Lehrer writes: (Emphasis mine)

" In my recent WSJ article on age and creativity, I didn't have space to discuss the fascinating research of David Galenson, an economist at the University of Chicago who brings together a vast array of evidence to better understand the nature of creative production over time. Galenson divides creators into two distinct categories: conceptual innovators and experimental innovators. In general, conceptual innovators make sudden and radical breakthroughs by formulating new ideas, often at an early age. In contrast, experimental innovators work by trial and error, and typically require decades of tinkering before they produce a major work. For an excellent summary of Galenson's work, check out this Gladwell article. "

Decades of tinkering: should be ok with that and not lose heart over the fact that slow plodding produces can also result in magnificence.

Posted via email from friarminor's posterous

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

On Workspaces

Ever heard of Lovaglia's Law?  

Lovaglia’s Law: The more important the outcome of a decision, the more people will resist using evidence to make it.

Interesting post by Bob Sutton in reference to a discussion/study  on office spaces and the corresponding effect on productivity.

Indeed, guilty of being a 'distraction' (sorry, my lovely mates) yet at same time, it really is difficult getting into the zone whilst thrown in an open space type of work environment. 

If I need to write something, best way is to keep away from everyone - better to hear myself.  How to do this:  work when colleagues are not yet in (or reverse, out already) or leave cubicle and go to seclusion.

Plenty of time to collaborate but important to distill thought also to be able to give more.

Posted via email from friarminor's posterous

Friday, February 19, 2010

Feeding Gluttony

More than food and material things, we now also have a craving for information resulting in overload - even if we really don't have use for more other than the fact that we just have near infinite memory space.

Reading Nick Carr's post, I've come to the conclusion that I might be committing the deadly sin of gluttony.

One of Nick's commenters suggests that his point is misleading because we're not paying all that much per bit of data. That's probably true, but it may not make the point the commenter wants it to make. Consider an analogy to restaurant dining: Americans in the past twenty years have spent far, far more on eating out than any of their ancestors did, and that's a significant development even if you point out that huge portions of fat-laden food mean that they're not paying all that much per calorie. In fact, that analogy may work on more than one level: are we unhealthily addicted to information (of any kind, and regardless of quality) in the same way that we're addicted to fatty foods?

Anyway, with regards to books and information, I guess it is all the same too. We all have access to more information than anything we've dreamed of and yet, is it all for the better?

Medically, I would say yes obviously because of personal reasons but there has to be a point where adding more doesn't change a thing and one has to stop and do some thinking and processing. Besides, there's the matter of absence of compensation for content providers but not for access providers. Related but that is another story.

Or maybe, we could all just blame it on the proclivity for experience.

What the heck, I'd better stay offline more and keep even keel. Besides, it's nice reflection for the Lenten season.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment

Readability is a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around what you're reading. Follow the steps below to install Readability in your Web browser.

No use fighting it off; eyesight is getting worse. Need new glasses. But for the meantime, there's help on the web. [And it's truly a blessing for the reading-addicted webber !]

Posted via web from friarminor's posterous

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lottery and Subscriptions I'd Be Happy to Pay

Notwithstanding the demise of print media, I still prefer to get my daily reading fare from established names in the world of journalism. Not only do they provide us with well-crafted and well-researched pieces, but over-all I guess it's a daily learning experience basking in the prose, poetry, candor and class of what journalism truly brings to the table. Knowing the dire circumstances that this living writing heroes are faced with, I hope that someday I will be able to help sustain their endeavors.

So when I win the lottery, getting paid subscriptions (if they charge) would rank up there with a new house and car for missus in terms of priority.

1. New York Times
2. Businessweek
3. The New Yorker
4. The Economist
5. The Atlantic
6. The Financial Times
7. Harvard Business Review
8. Wired
9. The Boston Globe
10. TheGuardian.UK

And if I still have a few change to spare: Wall Street Journal and couple of design magazines and comic books

Wednesday, February 10, 2010